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The Grumpy Greatsword
By Theo Barkel

Grumpy Greatsword part 1 cover front English version.jpg

Theo Barkel has been active as a writer for many years. Besides the horror series Shadajaël, several of his short stories have been published. He also worked as editor in chief of AF-Terra, one of the oldest SF and Fantasy magazines in the Netherlands

'There are few Dutch authors who can tell their story's so well.' - Stephen King Fanclub

'An amazingly fun story which will regularly leave you crying with laughter.' - Nancy Walburg,

Hiram is a simple farmer's boy who, after a big fight with his useless father, is thrown out of the house and wants to try his luck as a poet at the court of King Turon. 

What he does not know, however, is that Garma-Potanesia is in crisis. Sinda, the evil ruler of the neighbouring country Sinda-Potanesia, has asked for the hand of Princess Simané, the only aughter of King Turon. According to an old, pre-war law, King Turon cannot refuse. 

Chaos and war lie in wait, expecially when Miurghan, the mysterious mage who lives on a piece of no-man's land between the two kingdoms, turns out to be involved in the matter. And where did that magic sword come from that Hiram finds on his journey to King Turon's castle? 


Additional Information:

Published 2015 (Macc Uitgeverij) - 229 pages - ISBN: 9789078437208


Rights: World


KvK nr.:  60491833

VAT nr: NL002160634B54

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