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Falling from Disgrace
By Tammy Dietz

Falling from Disgrace

Tammy Dietz grew up committed to her family's Mormon faith, a profoundly patriarchal hierarchy that declares men superior and women subordinate, that demands devotion, purity, and chastity. But when the dogma of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints clashes with the forces of a changing world, Tammy's destiny transforms.

Patriarchy provides order but also chaos in a family with a depressed mother and a hoarding father. Set in the affluent Bay Area, Tammy's coming-of-age story is one of poverty amid wealth and a desire for status, recognition, and inclusion, both inside the Church and out. But when Tammy breaks the most serious of rules, her once certain path falters, her once protective community turns intrusive, and she finds herself on an unexpected journey.


Additional Information:

Published 2023 (Cynren Press) - ISBN: 9781947976450- 246 pages - Hardback

Rights: World

Tammy Dietz is a learning experience design leader, facilitator, instructional designer, writer, and editor. Her creative work has appeared in various anthologies and literary journals. From 2009 to 2018, she served as nonfiction editor of Silk Road, a literary magazine published by Pacific University, where she earned an MFA in creative nonfiction in 2009. She has also worked in the field of learning and development for twenty years and is currently a learning experience design manager at a Fortune 500 company. She lives near Seattle with her spouse of thirty years.


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